First, we’d like to say thank you to every one who visits our page, store, and booths. We couldn’t and wouldn’t be here without you all. Your support over the years is the only reason we are still here so, Thank You!
With that said, we are often asked how someone can contribute to the farm and historically, we just say thank you for the offer but it was brought to my attention that this can be off putting for those that really want to help. Recently, we received a cooler in the mail from someone, no name, or gift tag. Just a cooler – which is super helpful to us. We use these for transport to market and for delivery days. Super cool gift, from someone who really knows us apparently. We did a brief post about it, thanking the “angel” that sent it, and following that post, we got messages and comments again about how others can support us. So, we put together a little wishlist of sorts of things we use regularly and somethings that we could really use if someone was feeling like Santa of the tractor world 🙂
Johnny Seeds Items
Row Marker Set
Row Marker Handle
Harvest Knife
BCS Walk Behind Tractor I mean a fella can dream can’t he?